Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Among the plethora of masks wandering this earth, there lie blurred and buried identities.-hidden identities of true natural beings, conduct and understandings.We have come to a stage in life, where we can no longer express our inner most thoughts without the invisible hesitance vibrating through our surroundings. In order not to hurt somebody or to just let go of situations, we tend to put on a concealed mask of conformity, which helps us escape uncomfortable situations. No one wants to be trapped in those awkward moments. But escaping them now, does not mean suppressing them for life. Sometimes, it is not just to ignore some things, but to adapt and gel in our surroundings that we slip into a ‘liked-by-all’ disguise. Is it actually worth losing our personality in the wake of distinguishing ourselves or in adapting to the world? Having a wanderer’s mindset of my own, inquisitiveness defines me. Who or what is hidden behind the reality we witness on a daily basis? Is what we see, real? Or are there hidden truths that underlay the very existence of every being on this planet?
When no one is around, do you behave in exactly the same manner in which you would when 10 other people were around you? Why do we feel the urge to put on a different face when communicating with the world? Again, are we too afraid of judgments? Now I feel, even without thinking or deliberately making the effort, we tend to switch our personalities and mould in a way that would conform to the other. It has become like a part and parcel of our daily being. Being true to soul I guess, is one of the toughest things to pull of in today’s world. We hardly give a chance to our true reflection to showcase itself to the world. In the fear of rejection, mockery and ostracism, we do tend to conform and gel in a way that would be accepted and ‘liked’ by all. I do not say that its just you, I myself tend to put on a different face. I keep questioning myself, why cant I just be and say EXACTLY the words I want to say? What is the worse that could happen? I surely know what the best could happen-I would definitely lighten up my heart and free my mind from relentlessly thinking about a topic. Freeing yourself from the shackles of this worldly conformity is the biggest gift, I feel, we could give ourselves in today’s time.

This masquerade life, which we are leading uninterruptedly, somewhere down the line, is making us lose our individuality. We keep burdening and burying our true self under the ‘known’ and ‘acceptable’ norms of this world. This obstructed view through the eyes of an alien personality simply intensifies the grip of the shackles restraining our inner most feelings and thoughts.
Everyone feels the need to simply break free, not give a damn and just come out with what they truly feel. Venting out your thoughts is much better and healthier than to bottle up the negative flames. The negativity and regret (regret of keeping shut at the right moment), overtime, not only accumulates up till the brink of your patience, but also plagues you up from the inside, slowly turning you into a puppet of conventionalism. This restriction of self definitely does more harm than good. Sometimes, feeling to ‘let go’ of things or ‘overlook’ some things just boomerangs on you later on. Putting on an altered face towards things would definitely save you from the immediate confrontation, but in the long run, it would build up to be an ocean of regret.
So, if you like something? Then say it. Dislike something? Then state it! Life is rather too short to have regrets and to put up with an unnatural display of self. I wonder when or whether that day would ever arrive when we would freely, without inhibitions, just throw away our metaphorical masks and come out with our true personalities! The world, indeed, would be a very,very different place then!

(Image Source: https://plus.google.com/110945012043499521912/posts)

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