At several moments in life, we all, in one way or the other, have been crazily stalked by misfortune. We all have felt like those extra special people on this planet who have a special bond with bad luck; as if misfortune simply craves us.
But if you come to think of it, hasn't it become just soo comfortable for us to shove blames on bad luck and sneak out of a situation or a confrontation? This blame game that we unceasingly play with misfortune has come to a point, where this distressing situation itself is being misused by us. If anything goes wrong or we miss out on something, without even thinking twice, we instantaneously blurt out- 'Ah, my bad luck!' I am sure, misfortune must be in a ceaseless state of sneezing incessantly (Asian belief reference- if you sneeze alot, that means someone is remembering you!)
Just for instance, your car's engine has been giving you a troublesome time since quite sometime, and you KNOW that you have to take the car for repair/servicing. Naturally, you keep postponing this (#Humans). Then one fine day, you decide to drive down a cross-country highway, with the (extra high) hopes of getting through without any troublesome event occurring...And Alas! Your car decides to break down- (Soo out-of-the-blue for you off course, right? #MassiveSarcasm). You habitually blame your bad luck. Knock Knock! Misfortune had nothing to do with this. Your sluggishness and your habit of procrastination are the two culprits here. Blame your habits here rather than the blameless bad luck!

I simply adore this illustrative piece of cartoon art. It has been so beautifully and simplistically depicted here as to how misfortune has to swallow the harsh reality of repeated accusations. 'Looking at a broken mirror, and feeling worse about your worldly customised persona and simply shoving it on misfortune's shoulders, without even realising that the actual cracks are on the mirror and not in your luck stream'- is something that is fallaciously done by all.
Like it or not, misfortune is an inevitable part of our lives. And some instances are sheer bad luck. Being maybe an hour earlier (after repeated timetable checks) and then learning that all trains are either cancelled or delayed indefinitely- is PURE bad luck! I do not say that bad luck is anything less than a demented stalker. It surely is. But how much we rely on it to squeeze out of situations, is what i say, has gone a bit too far. Everyone experiences those 'patience-testing' times, when we simply lose focus and blame things on the situation and walk off. But those testing times are where we need to re-focus, and fess up to what we really feel and know. Fessing up to the actual things, rather than beating around the bush, truly makes life simpler. Having the guts to really stand up and have a face-off with reality, not only diminishes are over reliance on cursing nature, but also releases the gush of negativity we build by not being able to come to terms with reality. Blaming is the easy part, whereas fessing up and confrontations are the harder bits on the plate.
Don't brush situations under the carpet, in the hope of getting rid of them-'Out of mind, out of sight' policy? The hidden pile up might just create a bigger ruckus than it actually would have when it was merely the size of a peanut!
Misfortune is there to stay, like a part and parcel of our lives. Without it being there, we would never truly realise the value of good luck in life. Just how bad is your bad luck and how much you decide to rely on it as an escape from situations.. depends completely on your perceptional treatment of its existence.