Saturday, 28 December 2013

Running after money and status, preserving money and figuring out ways to gather monetary happiness. Everything nowadays is measured by the extent to which we are drowned in gold, money, cars and expensive (and to say useless) branded goodies. Within all this artificial extravagance, the real ‘us’ is lost somewhere. Within the strands of silk, our real desires are overshadowed by the presence of these short-term accolades by the society. Our acceptance is decided on these terms. And if we fail to exhibit these affluent features, the society around us exudes invisible negative energy, which engulfs us and unknowingly, makes us depressed and frustrated.

Has our life become too toxic for us to sustain the very essence of humanity?
Our behaviour nowadays has been dependent on the extent to which we are praised and loved by society. Our happiness is judged and moulded in any form as the society wills. Just the WANT to be ‘socially acceptable and popular’ makes us do numerous things, which our inner self would never really give into under normal circumstances.
Just as an example, it’s the festive season. Aah! The season of happiness, willing gift exchanges, love, and quality family time. But is it really so? The obligations and stress, which inevitably attach themselves and come as baggage with this season, are undeniable. Even though people may rant and say that you buy Christmas goodies only for your ‘loved and near’ ones out of affection and love, it is generally never limited to that. Endless lists of people to please, people at the workplace, friends and ‘friends of friends’ , neighbors and those we meet at societal gatherings are just some of the few we tend to include while checking the boxes in our To-Give-List! And off course, measuring how much would be ‘enough and classy’ is something I feel is the question every Christmas shopper asks himself. Nothing is limited to a simple traditional Christmas family meal with exchanges of gifts just within the family. Our social obligations make the holiday-festive season an even more stressful time than what our usual Mondays at office are. What to buy? For whom to buy? What to wear? Does it look expensive? Would this match his/her expectations? Does it look too formal/informal to give? Should it be one big gift or a number of small ones? Would a simple wine do? Would this gift reflect my ‘high-class’ standards? I need the gift to look more extravagant than hers!... And the list is endless. Agree or not, we all have repeatedly chanted most of these questions at least once during every festive season! Where is the peace of the festivities, bundled up with the joyous and prosperous family Christmas time? It has been overburdened with our endless struggle to match up with our yearly social performance and in the fulfillment of our unwanted burdens.
All this can have simple time-saving solutions. But in our never-ending race to be at the top and be considered as the oh-so-generously-giving-and-pleasing person, we forgo the true essence of celebrating the festivities as they are meant to be. 
Ask this question to yourself- Do you want to be an elite just in ‘Things’ or an elite in ‘Thoughts’ as well? Materialism has taken over our world of genuine thoughts and feelings. Instead of having an inclination towards the materialistic value of an item, we need to reflect on the thoughts and emotions wrapped up around it. Having the Midas touch and at the same time having a down to earth personality is something everyone longs to have. For this, our minds need to walk on paths of humbleness and demureness. Running after money and gold to prove your worth to the society somewhere down the line makes you lose your true self and makes you leap into a world of pretence. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


SELF-OPTIMISM (Self Worth and the Automatic Confidence Shield)
I personally have never understood the meaning of the quotes- ‘Believe in yourself.’ and ‘Love Yourself’. Who doesn’t love or believe in themselves? Everyone does. Don’t disagree with me straight away. I say this with confidence. The only thing lacking is the Realisation of this Self-love and Self-belief. 
People, who believe in themselves and love themselves, no matter what, build an ACS, Automatic Confidence Shield, around themselves, which no one can fracture. It is like an unbreakable bond one creates with oneself. This Shield is an already existent but latent power, which everyone has in them. The toughest part is of realising it. But, this is rarely the case. We often look for this shield in others in the form of love and protection. We expect others to have confidence in us and love and care for us, which is not entirely wrong. It just makes us dependent and susceptible to judgments made by others.


It is said that man is his ‘worst critic’.  I say, True That! You yourself are your biggest critic and enemy. We tend to keep our thoughts, our views, our beliefs, all bottled up inside us. We think, we need to conform to the worldly ways. We think that by expressing our ‘not-so-routine’ thoughts and views, society might ostracize us. We think, our thoughts are wrong, or could be proven wrong, so it’s better not to express. We think, if we express our emotions, we would be considered as weak. Can you identify the problem here? The problem is- WE ‘THINK NEGATIVE’. We think negatively when it comes to expressing our own viewpoints or when it comes to stand for our own selves. We live in a bubble world created by others and according to others.
The first step to change this à Start EXPRESSING YOURSELF TO YOURSELF. When you start believing in yourself and shun the thought that what the world might say, we take a step closer to optimistic self-expression.


We need to break these self-created barriers. The most dangerous thing we often do is creating a dormant furnace deep within us when we keep bottling up our feelings and thoughts. This not only harms self, but when this furnace awakens, it does no good to anyone around us.
‘Conformity to worldly actions to survive’ is the biggest myth, which prevails in our present world. You don’t have to follow the world. Can’t do something? Don’t like something? Don’t do it. Do cent percent what you like. Create your OWN WORLD, be your OWN LEADER.
Again, you think you might feel lonely if you do this. By doing this you might be left alone and shunned by all. But the truth is, which very few realize, is, BEING TRULY EXPRESSIVE TO YOURSELF IS THE BIGGEST SURVIVAL TRICK. Need an example? There is and can be ONLY ONE SUN! Go Figure!
Expressing your feelings is often considered as a sign of Weakness in this world. Being angry, crying, sulking, in short, being EMOTIVE usually are signs of lack of self-control. FALSE. Inspirational detouring hopes to change this prevalent thought of chain. It hopes to detour you from this ignorant path and remind you that you are after all, human. A human being for me, is essentially consistent of two beings- The SOUL, i.e., WHAT and WHO you are, and, The EMOTIONAL BEING, i.e., WHAT you CHOOSE to be and depict to the world. So, expressing yourself is essential for you to present yourself to the world as a distinct being with a high sense of individualism. Inspirational detouring just acts as a stepping stone for you to climb onto and excel in the Art of Selfie! 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


         What life teaches you every second,
         What we often tend to overlook,
         What we know but still avoid,
         What we should follow but still detour.

         This is to try and bring you back from the plunge, the plunge, which we obliviously take. It is bringing
         you back to what I like to call the “O.R.”- Optimistic Reality.
         Inspirational detouring guides you and helps you to get back on the original path, which one is destined to 
         follow. Somewhere along the way, we detour from our main and original purpose. This is to detour you 
         back from where you started, and not to where you landed.

         Neither am I a storyteller, nor a wannabe revolutionary. Neither am I trying to change lives, nor be an
        addition to the existing plethora of ‘online’ motivators. All I want to do is indirectly help awaken the real ‘U’ 
         in 'YOU'.
         Living your day-to-day life in this present world opens up a Pandora’s box for you to try and adapt to 
        something, which is not you. We are taught from the very beginning that in order to be ‘accepted’ by the
        world, we need to ‘gel’ in. We need to be ‘one of them’ and not try and be too different as it just counteracts. 
        We need to shun this self-created bubble of negativism. This I-blog will try to implore and compel you to
        introspect where you yourself can change your ways and head towards a more Positive Life.


        Of TOMORROW we can be never sure,
        Just our TODAY can be much more.

        Life moves forward undeterred like time. Every second lost in sulking, cynicism, skepticism, ill wishing, or
        in having a jaundiced eye towards someone, is a second less for you to live. Optimism doubles your 
        happiness and your life while pessimism just pulls you closer to your own doomsday.
        Again, this I-blog is not going to illustrate inspirational fake/real stories. It is just a changed mindset’s 
        endeavour to spin a world web of “O.R.” mounted on an axis of self-belief.